High-stakes communications come in many forms. We provide a targeted range of services to help clients master the message in each of them.

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    Media Training

    Media heavyweights were not born that way. They studied, practiced and honed their skills over time. Our clients gain a keen appreciation for crystalizing content into a three-minute broadcast window. Transforming your top-line thoughts into concise and memorable messages, including sound bites that pop on TV. Our clients practice appearing comfortable and in command in front of the camera.

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    Message Development

    Clients learn not to live by talking points alone. Good messages are contextual. They include headlines, facts and stats, and a “make me care” moment because stories and images are more memorable than facts. Incorporating brand concepts into newsworthy messages is essential. Clients build messages in a skeletal format so that they can have the flexibility necessary in a fluid media environment. We craft compelling and natural messages with instant impact and lasting power.

  • Presentations & Storytelling

    Developing an inspiring story that gets results is the heart of a great presentation. Whether on stage, in the boardroom or in front of millions via video online, the skill of moving an audience to action is essential for your success. Identifying the needs and concerns of your audience drives your content choices. Learn to present complicated concepts simply and clearly drives engagement project confidence and credibility

  • Crisis Communication

    A crisis or scandal can happen fast, without warning, and damage your brand. Our crisis training brings a sense of order during a chaotic time. Develop and deliver your pitch-perfect messages with calm authority, even amidst a hostile media frenzy. Swiftly implementing a sound strategy can defuse a combustible situation and keep a bad situation from becoming worse.

  • Executive Keynote

    Keynotes are the ultimate opportunities for compelling content and excellent presentation skills. On stage, large audiences and technology create a stressful environment for many. Preparation and practice are essential. Mapping the script to an individual’s style enhances natural delivery. Master the choreography between your movements, your on-stage tools and connection to your audience. Conquering nerves, utilizing best body language and voice modulation helps you deliver a keynote address that is polished, natural and engaging.

  • On-Air Talent

    In this supersaturated media environment, it’s harder than ever for talent to stand out and brand themselves without overtly selling. It is no longer enough to simply answer the journalistic questions: Who? What? When? Where? Why? Today, spokespeople are expected to strike a conversational tone, and look authoritative at the same time. They must understand interview structure and be master storytellers. The immediate result is the delivery of more compelling, polished and powerful narratives that move audiences.

Coaching creates the impact you want.

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Robert Mondavi
Lending Club

Are you ready to master your message?

Find, prepare and practice your unique message so you can deliver like a pro.